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UKDNF Gone Permanently


In my previous blog post, I mentioned why UKDNF was down and who was behind it. Recently, I had a bit of correspondence with Ryan Ewen. For reasons I’ve already mentioned in my previous blog post, my take on him is that he’s an idiot and a fantasist, and since that correspondence with him, my feelings on that have only strenghtened. I did remove my last post, I was under the impression the forum would return and whilst I was annoyed, best to let sleeping dogs lie. But now the forum is not coming back, Ryan's walking away scott free and most people don't know the hand he played in it, and I think it is important people know the part he played and that previous blog post should return.

Anyway, he's in the past now, there is no point in discussing him any further.


I’m extremely disappointed that UKDNF has gone - not because the owner decided to call it a day, which I can understand, but because he chose to turn it off rather than hand it over to someone else. There was a lot of work and effort that went into that site, including over 3000 posts from its members. Other options were available that could have allowed the site and its content to continue without posing any risks to the owner.

I know some people offered to buy the site, and others offered to run it, but these offers were turned down and disregarded. In my opinion, this approach is not justifiable and borders on being disrespectful to the members.

In his post that announced the closure, the former owner cited mental health as a reason for closing the site. While I sympathise to a degree, I must say this constructively and for the benefit of others: you don’t get rid of mental stress by walking away every time you face something difficult, all you do is store it away for next time. If you walk away once, you might forever walk away. At some point in your life, you have to tell people to feck right off and overcome your mental health issues by facing them. Everyone has issues, we've all been in tough spots, and we’ll all go through more of them. Unless you keep pushing the boundries of mental health outwards, they'll continue to come closer and will continue to box you in until it traps you and you have nowhere to go.

To the old owner, for your own good, forget the forum, but write the email and tell Ryan to stick it and that he's a moron.

You'll feel much better.

The Forum

I gave UKDNF a chance because I thought it was different—great people, great content, great advice. I received valuable feedback and help there. I wrote a lot of content to try and help the forum grow.

Sadly, I don’t have time to start a new forum. I would have chipped in to buy UKDNF and placed it in a small company with others, provided others could run it. Unfortunately, that’s not possible now.

Anyway, enough about all that. It’s gone.

Back To The GreyWing Blog

I’ve always said the best place to post content is on your own blog. I’m sick of putting content on forums only to see it disappear for various reasons. I’ve been burned way too many times. At least with your own blog, content can’t be taken down or removed without your consent.

I think I'll make the blog a bit more interactive and add a comments section in the coming hours or days. I’m always open to feedback good or bad.

This is my last post on the subject, got things to do.

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    MrAnnonnie · 2 months ago
    I'm shocked at what I have just read. Just goes to show what some people are really like. Looks like the old Acorn Clan can't handle people setting up elsewhere and making a success out of it.
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    MapleDots · 2 months ago
    It's sad to see this happening, I have a topic on about this: split from namepoos for similar censorship reasons and I posted a comment about how I feel about this situation in the topic. I don't fully understand what happened or why, I'm only getting bits and pieces so the only thing I can say is what I mentioned in the topic above.

    I hope all parties involved can somehow come together and not divide the UK domaining industry any further. It is possible to mend fences but it takes all parties involved to come to the table and truly listen to each others concerns. As a forum admin I feel for Aaron and understand his personal well being comes first.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      GreyWingGW · 2 months ago
      @MapleDots Great points mate.

      Some great advice there on your forum. I think as a forum admin, you have to just let people vent, take small hits when they come and overall people will respect you for it in the long term. Sometimes it's a question of not making things worse. Acorn seems to be digging bigger holes. 

      It's a genuine shame, the good thing to come out of it is that there will shortly be other options for users. Aaron showed what could be done with what he had already done in those 2 months or so it was live. I'm sure others will build on it and a new forum will emerge. He has a lot to be proud of, I just wish he would have asked some of us for help, in the same way that we posted on his forum for help with our projects.

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    Brightwork · 2 months ago
    Hi mate, in the hours following Aarons update on UKDNF, I span up a server, built a blog on Discourse. I wanted to bring the community under UKDNX which was going to be UK Domain Name Exchange. Before I saw Deny's message. Only wasted an afternoon, but I just want somewhere we can all be open. I would have kept the place very decentralised.

    Also, the comments you made on mental health are very true. I've suffered years with depression and anxiety, as well as having ADHD, PTSD and being Autistic, I feel like I have a plethora of knowledge on the topic of mental health, something I sometimes feel I'd rather not have.

    We're all decidedly upset about Ryan's actions here, if Deny's forum turns out to be something we don't want, please approach me and we can build UKDNX together. That invite extends to everyone in the community. You can reach me at
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Brightwork · 2 months ago
      @GreyWingGW I'll setup on UKDNX anyway, with XenForo. You are welcome to join mate, and would love to get some help spreading the word out there. 
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      GreyWingGW · 2 months ago
      @Brightwork Hi mate,

      If you decide to ever change your mind on the forum idea, please let me know and I'll add it. 

      Regarding the mental health comments. I want to try and encourage people that they can overcome anything. There are so many in the media these days that try and sell this idea that people can't get over things without expert professional help. 

      Each of us have the most powerful abilities when it comes to the power of the mind. Whenever we are feeling down, and we dam well all do at times and there is no shame in that at all - I've seen the biggest and toughest of blokes in tears, we need to have a chat with a positive friend, decent food, decent sleep and just break down things into little wins, tiny tiny wins, whatever it is, get a bit of positive momentum going. 

      Whatever I can do to help people grow their platform mate, I'll do what I can for anyone free of charge. 

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    King Charles · 2 months ago
    Denys is starting a forum in the next few days by the looks of it, I hope people visit it and then go in-depth on this person who shut down UKDNF

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